How To Break the Power of Fear Over Your Life



This article concerns fear, the dangers of being controlled by fear, and how to unmask fear, as well as remedy it.

But What is Fear?

Fear drives people to sell their shares of stock, in panic, while greed makes them buy them. Fear makes stock-markets collapse and drives hundreds of people to jump off buildings for fear of financial ruin; as was seen during the 1929 U.S. Stock Market Crash in New York, because fear drives people to sell stock for fear of loss while greed drives them to buy and makes stock prices go up.

Fear can disable not just people but entire nations, entire armies.

And when the U.S. had just experienced that financial crash of 1929, F.D. Roosevelt, the U.S. president, said during his inauguration speech when it was imperative to calm individuals and the nation’s nerves,

“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” – F.D.R.

In other words, President FDR’s remedy to fear is only fearing what fear can do to us and the damage fear can wield, as well as to see that most of what we fear is more to do with our imagination than anything of tangible worth fearing.

Fear is also used by tyrannical governments to control the people;  a powerful weapon used to control and coerce through propaganda, fines, threats of violence, imprisonment or worse. 

As Thomas Jefferson wrote:

“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

Our lonely planet is now entering a full two years since the word “Covid-19” was coined and its people were plunged into what it means to go to war – but this time a war with a mysterious, invisible enemy-virus which we were told is airborne.   But as well as this invisible enemy, another even more invisible enemy was at play called fear, which is even deadlier because it plays on our fears; and it can be used by governments to control us, to play on our fears – but only if we let it; it can disable an entire nation of individuals when the instigator wields fear and plays on people’s fears and emotions. Fear is an emotion – it thrives and feeds off our irrational thinking and vain imaginations whilst it wields the potential to disable you from effectiveness, to render you powerless,  but only if you let it.

Thus, fear is much deadlier than Covid-19 and any of its variants – it wields more power. In my opinion, fear has been the main tool to coerce entire populations into compliance during this Covid-19 pandemic in England and the U.K. It has been used as a weapon to terrorize the population sufficient enough to comply with everything the Government was doing – straight out of the pages of the tactics of George Orwell’s Big Brother book “1984” .  For example, consider the following public posters paid for by the British people’s taxes during 2020 to sufficiently put the fear of God into them so they wouldn’t step outside their home, by making everyone feel that they were a superspreader of Covid-19.

Look at the following scandalous Government advertising posters which are blatantly using fear and claiming falsely that by going outside, “You can spread the disease” and “People will die” or, “If you go out, you can spread the disease. People will die.”

I am not trying to downplay the seriousness of this virus, but what is clear is our governments and medical facilities have failed us, when they used fear, intimidation and threats to force all the healthy to stay at home while it emptied the hospitals of all the elderly – the most susceptible to Covid-19 – and non-emergencies without testing them first for Covid, to make room for future Covid patients for fear of blocking up the hospitals. Thus, creating a real pandemic among the elderly care-homes, when thousands were sent to the care-homes who had already been infected at the hospital with Covid-19 – the most vulnerable to this virus who, in turn, infected many of their peers in the care-homes.

Our public health system have failed us when using fear to coerce all the healthy to test themselves everyday or every week – even children as young as ten years of age who are perfectly healthy, who are instructed to test themselves every week at school; to coerce everyone down to age twelve to take a vaccine while telling us it’s perfectly safe, using all the instruments of State at their disposal to put the fear of God into us, even our children. 

Although Covid-19 hardly affects children since children’s immune systems are robust enough to withstand it, yet in spite of that, the government coerces every child down to age twelve at school to receive a vaccine that carries greater risk than the disease; and where the long-term effects of these new genetic-enhancing vaccines, i.e. mRNA vaccines are not known – and where vaccinators can even vaccinate a child if they deem the child’s consent as being sufficiently mature to make his or her own health-care decisions, without their parent’s consent or even against it; where the government forces every child and college student who wants to attend classes off-line to be tested every day or week for a virus so deadly, you need to be tested every day or every week to see if you have it. But where is the voice of reason and common sense saying, we will not subject the good people of the U.K. to the indignity, or its dear school children to the indignity of testing themselves everyday or every week for a virus so deadly you need to test every healthy person?

Thus, imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, and for a disease so deadly, you have to be tested every day or every week to see if you have it. Even though the average age of death among the population is 82.4 in England and Wales. Testing everyone for an invisible disease which is so deadly, the people don’t even know they got it and have to be tested!

But What is the Remedy to Overcoming These Fears and Perceived Risks?

Well, there’s more to life than just our risks – I mean, if our way of life is stripped and our sense of purpose and interaction with our loved-ones and friends are taken away, then what is that life worth when we are living in a such poor quality of life or such a bare minimalist-life stripped of all social contact family and purpose, and in a perpetual vicious-cycle of fear which renders us almost under house arrest for over a year? Life no longer becomes livable, when we are enslaved to fear. I mean, there’s more to life than just life – there’s the quality of life, and if our quality is so captured by fear, then what prisoner wants to live their entire life in a prison for the sake of saving their life? If they are healthy, they would rather face the risks and consequences of that risk – that’s a life much more worth living. Yet instead, our Government quarantined the healthy for the sake of the sick, instead of quarantining the sick for the healthy, like we had done for thousands of years.

Thus, as a society and world, we are at a huge juncture because all of our past freedoms and laws for humanity are now up for grabs, and as we have seen – from Victoria in Australia to California, certain leaders have grabbed that power in the name of our health, and it is imperative that the people – we – claw back that power and restore the delicate tight-rope tension between the Government and people of mutual fear.

So actually, over the past two years, fear has done far more damage than any airborne, invisible enemy virus; fear which is the far more potent enemy and virus which Government ministers have used to terrorize the population into submission, with threats and even one of the most unpopular threats: to tell the good people of the U.K. that the Prime Minister will cancel Christmas and even ban them from hugging “granny” over the Christmas period if enough people do not adhere to the social distancing in the weeks leading up to Christmas or if a new and dangerous variant appears to be challenging the unlocking of lockdowns; which happened just three days before Christmas Day, 2020, when due to a new variant which ministers were saying, falsely, was up to 75% more virulent,  the entire Metropolitan City of London and the County of Kent were put into lockdown,again; after the Prime Minister had said, just three days before Christmas Day, that to cancel Christmas this year of 2020 would be “inhuman”.

Yet three days later, he announced that he was placing the entire Capital City of London and Kent into lockdown during Christmas – immediately and indefinitely – effectively cancelling Christmas for a million people who were not up to joining the mass exodus which transpired.  Again fear, and fear of the unknown was used to make citizens compliant,  and resulted in a mass exodus of Christmas holiday commuters leaving those areas to regions where there was no lockdown. A mass exodus not even seen on that scale when Afolf Hitler was bombing London every night.

So, we have gone from a generation which fought on the beaches of Dunkirk against the most evil tyrants, to a people cowering in our homes – under the campaign of the Government terrorising the people by the Government conducting fear-mongering campaigns using the peoples’ hard-earned money, as is the case of the above posters. 

But when the State reverts to the instruments of coercion, i.e. propaganda, fear, and even the threat of sending in the army on the streets, as well as the threat of fines and imprisonment when at the time, such coercions are in no way justified, then it means the Government has become tyrannical; instruments of the State which the U.K. Government used unjustly since they were used disproportionately when weighing the risks of this virus carrying a 99.96% survival rate to the under 40s and a 99.98% survival rate to the under 20s, i.e. it was like using a sledge hammer to approach a pea.

Fatality Rate For Covid-19 Disease from the Corona-virus i.e, how many die in 100:
If you are in your 80s then the fatality rate is 14.8%
If you are in your 70s the fatality rate is 8%.
If you are in your 60s the fatality rate is 3.6 %.
If you are in your 50s the fatality rate is 1.3 %
If you are in your 40s the fatality rate is 0.4 %
And if you are between 10 and 39 years old, the fatality rate is 0.2 %.

So overall, this Covid-19 has an average fatality rate of 3.9 %. Yet, when the World faced an Ebola pandemic between 2024-2016 which affected mainly Sierra Leone with 3955 recorded deaths and two other countries of West Africa, it had recorded deaths of around 11,000 deaths and had a fatality rate of 40.4 %; but this Covid-19 has a fatality rate of 3.9 % with recorded deaths at 5 million people as of October 31st, while in the U.K. there is 141,000 recorded deaths – of course, these are tragic numbers, however, compared with Ebola’s fatality rate of 40.4%, it’s much less dangerous, but the politicians and Government advisors never tell you this. 

So something very fishy is going on because this Covid-19 is not as deadly as the media and Government are saying, yet if you listen to the news, you would think that everyone’s going to die if there is no mitigation; because of one reason: fear.

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  1. This is a shameful moment in human history to be sure. What is weirder is that the fear campaign has been so successful over nearly two years and still people are entrenched in their fear based opinions. I reckon the one percenters have won and the rest of us have lost this fight unless something drastic happens.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sir. I read your article, and yes, I agree with everything you say, although, I myself would use less salty language, or use less the dollops of salt – so, yes, these Covid-19-Shenanigans are a load of COBLERS, AND CONKERS – THE STRONGEST WORD I would use is a load of Cod’s Wallop! Right, Sir?

      Liked by 1 person

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